Exhibits > 2009: Die, Mauer > View from the East
View from the East. The East Berlin side features a continuous row of communist architecture with barbed wire at top, recalling the Death Strip separating East Berlin life from the wall (from which snipers had a vantage of citizens trying to escape to the West).Shards of glass in each communist style building allows viewers to see themselves and to identify with the broken Private vs. Public life of the East Berliner.In the barbed wire is a sort of electric schematic featuring the deadly combination of Communism, violence and force. The imminently setting sun of Communism centers the East Berlin side of the wall, hovering over every fragment of the East Berliner's life. Repetition in the shards of mirror remind of the industrial tone of the environment that clashed profoundly with the landscape of the West. One city with two radically different systems is a true rarity in contemporary history. Overpowering mass of gray exists throughout the East Berlin side, which contrasts heavily with the free expression attacking the Western side of the of speech in the West. Meanwhile, splatters of paint of a limited palette suggest chaos in an overly controlled system.